Thursday 12 March 2009


Shedding old skin, renewed like the spring,
Like the moon waxes, wanes, born again,
Turns crescent.
Dead leaves go underground, sympathy found
In dark holes
Where new buds bloom in the living room
Of your soul.

Make time to evolve, watch the past dissolve
In an ocean
Of lies and deceit, time to delete
Old emotions.
Pack your bags on the double, leave your troubles
And strife.
As tears start to subside, enjoy the ride
Of your life.

© D.Hinson ~ Feb 09

Friday 6 February 2009


Capital city where little letters are lost
in urban lights easy picking fights
with strangers but chosing to keep out
of danger high voltage in the streets
where fashion trends speed up
until they crash into the stock exchange.
The city crumbling undeground rumbling
homeless on the streets paved with gold
legends told but the city is not so sweet.
As parliament talks Whitehall walks
in crowds of resentment.
Can't earn enough to pay city rent
as London waiting speed dating
over too soon standing by the Thames
backlit by false moons hiding stars
in an electric sky silence cannot hear
you cry for help as the city pleas fall
on deaf ears careers made for life
until death do us part.

In Highgate Cemetery I made peace with the City
Overcrowded but overgrown as legends lay buried
beneath my feet ancient city full of dead people.

Londinium...her treasure I found.

June 08 (revised Feb09)

Monday 2 February 2009


When wardrobes of ambition
Fill up with ammunition
Talent blows to bits.

When raging bulls fight
Matadors every night
Where can fulfilment fit?

Paradise lost at poker
Smile wiped off the joker
Life sucks like a leech.

In a constant war zone
Losing lovers left alone
Wrapped in gold guilt.

Grounded lessons learnt
Bridges that were burnt
Wait to be rebuilt.

Old patterns not repeated
Damned demons defeated
Ponds stop stagnating.

Time for contemplation
A brand new destination
Crosroads sit there waiting.

Revised Feb 09

Sunday 1 February 2009


Make me a robot
I don't care about it's gender.
Just give it an attitude
A bit like Bender.

It doesn't have to look pretty
As long as it functions
Keeps itself well scrubbed
And oils it's own junctions.

It needs to be bright
But let me win at Scrabble
Talk about philosophy,
Psychology, music and travel.

Bring me breakfast in bed
Be my master chef
An accomplished musician
And not tone deaf.

Love the great outdoors
And climb every mountain
Enjoy the gret outdoors
Take me to the Treffi fountain.

In the bedroom it could
Teach me a thing or two.
In fact, stuff the robot
I'll stick with you.

D.Hinson (revised Jan 09)