Friday 6 February 2009


Capital city where little letters are lost
in urban lights easy picking fights
with strangers but chosing to keep out
of danger high voltage in the streets
where fashion trends speed up
until they crash into the stock exchange.
The city crumbling undeground rumbling
homeless on the streets paved with gold
legends told but the city is not so sweet.
As parliament talks Whitehall walks
in crowds of resentment.
Can't earn enough to pay city rent
as London waiting speed dating
over too soon standing by the Thames
backlit by false moons hiding stars
in an electric sky silence cannot hear
you cry for help as the city pleas fall
on deaf ears careers made for life
until death do us part.

In Highgate Cemetery I made peace with the City
Overcrowded but overgrown as legends lay buried
beneath my feet ancient city full of dead people.

Londinium...her treasure I found.

June 08 (revised Feb09)

1 comment:

Susie G said...

Loved your Londinium........What a coincidence - we have a Poem entitled Londinium by a Deaf Poet from Germany on in our Def-Music section. Take a look. Best wishes, Susie